Stop So Called Traditional Bullfights

  • av: Claudia Peters
  • mottagare: Ministere De la Jeunisse,des Sports et de la Vie and the Spanish Consejo de Ministros Cesar
Stop Govt Funding Bullfighting Torture Schools in FRANCE !!!

These signatures will be send to the International Movement against bullfights,The Ministry of Youth and Sports in France,And the Spanish Council of Ministers!!!

In Southern France there are 6 bullfighting schools approved by the Ministery of Youth and Sports.From 5-6 years old the children begin to attend these schools withtheir parents permission.
They begin to learn how to torture and kill animals.
It is difficult to imagine the carnage at these practise sessions due too the inexperience of the children.
Once again the authorities subsidise these" schools" with tax payers money.

Please I beg you to write the contacts listed on this site not turn away, some of it is not pretty, but it is REALITY, Please, go to this page, inform yourself and there are many contacts to write to, please forward and corsspost this information !

Rejoneo,bullfights with horsemen

In this style of bullfighting instruments called rejones are used wich are stuck into the bulls by rejoneadores (horsemen).Like in other bullfights,they train in private on bulls,torturing them to practise their sadistic skills,before they appear in these performances.
The bull is forced into the bullring were he is confronted by these men.The bull is then stuck with many of their harpoons wich have a lenght of 5-7 cm .
The horses are changed several times as they become to frightened to use.Harpoons with a blade of 15 or 25 cm ("rejones") are also stuck into the bulls.The torture of the animals continues with the so called "Death rejon".This device has a blade of 65cm and is stuck in the back of the bull.It's common that in these kind of bullfights the horses are deeply wounded by the horns of the bulls in their bellies losing their intestines and consequentely die.

These bullfights,all kind of them,called tradition to the countries,should be stopped and forbidden by law,this is not tradition,this is simply plain animal torture !!!
Check out this site for more info
Is there something we can do about this???

This petition and it's signatures will be presented to France Ministry of Youth and Sports :
Mrs Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin,
Ministère de la Santé, de la Jeunesse et des Sports
And to the Spanish Goverment
Rejoneo Bullfights

The signatures will be send to International Movement against Bullfights,The France Ministry of Youth and Sports,and the Spanish Council of Ministers !!!
We,the undersigned,

oppose to these Bullfighting schools in France,Bullfights are not traditional,they are simply cruel and unnessasary ëntertainment" for people who like to see a animal suffer and die.What is the sport in killing a bull with harpoons,spears ect ?
To Spain,who still lives up to these many forms of Bullfights,There is no place for Bullfighting in the 21st Century,many Spanish residents oppose to these bullfights,listen to your own people,and listen to the world who opposes.
Many tourists avoid Spain because of these Bullfights.Stop these "traditional" Blood Sports and have respect for every living soul.
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