STOP Sending Helpless German Shepherd Dogs to take on Taliban

The United Kingdom is all set to airdrop German shepherd dogs to take on the well armed Taliban and the al-Qaeda insurgents in Afghanistan. These German Shepherds would jump from an aircraft at 25,000 feet after being parachuted in hostile terrain and would lead the assault in SAS (Special Air Service) raids to seek out Taliban and al-Qaeda insurgents. With tiny cameras fixed to their heads, these magnificent canines, by putting their own life in danger, would beam live TV pictures back to the troops, warning of ambushes and showing enemy leaders locations. In fact, The SAS source admits that "The dogs will be exposed to very high levels of danger on these operations."

This absurd and cruel tactic of deploying dogs in situations that are too dangerous for soldiers has been devised to cut down the soaring casualty rates in Afghanistan and Iraq. These valiant but powerless and vulnerable dogs would have to helplessly face the armed terrorists who do not mind blowing themselves up. In fact for them, these dogs at best could be target practice.

Instead of putting the lives of these beautiful creatures on the block, the SAS should probably devise alternative ways like sending automated robots to save the precious lives of the soldiers. But this despicable and outrageous plan has been adopted only because the poor German shepherd dogs cannot stand up for themselves.

Please help STOP this cruel tactic of sending German Shepherd dogs to War in Afghanistan. Stand up for the German Shepherds and send a message to Rt Hon Des Browne MP, Secretary of State for Defence, UK, today.

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