Stop "Bizarre Foods" with Andrew Zimmern!

The show "Bizarre Foods" with Andrew Zimmern, airs on The Travel Channel.  Andrew goes around the world eating animals.  The killing and death of the animals actually seems to excite him! 

 His motto:  "If it looks good.... EAT IT!"

Andrew's menu:  Guinea pig, green iguana, cow skin soup, chicken feet, cockroach, geoduck, snake penis, donkey, armadillo, bull testicles, tarantula, baby mice, raw cow heart, the beating bloody heart cut out of a live fish, live mealworms, grasshoppers, blood soup, beating frog hearts, lamb eyeballs, bats....just to name a few horrific dishes. 

The animals are often hunted and killed right on camera in inhumane ways.  These animals suffer, Mr. Zimmern and the Travel Channel profits!  No mercy is shown to the animals, they are treated like objects, the people on the show act as if they were out picking apples!  This is giving the audience the idea that animals are just here for the taking, we can kill and eat them all if we wish.   Imagine the message is this show giving to young viewers?!---  Animals are food and nothing else!!?? 
We need to tell the Travel Channel and Mr. Zimmern that animals are not objects, they have feelings, they can hurt, and they do not deserve to die for profit and TV ratings!

He loves this restaurant in Beijing, China, where they torture and kill animals for greed.  The Guolizhuang is also called The Penis Restaurant. They serve donkey, yak and seal penises, to name a few, and yes he eats them all! 

Bizarre Foods Show website:

Andrew Zimmern email:

address: Food Works, Inc.
         649 Grand Ave
         St. Paul, MN 55105

The Travel Channel Veiwer relations- (send a personal comment):


The Travel Channel
5425 Wisconsin Avenue

Suite 500

Chevy Chase, MD 20815

email: http://

We the undersigned wish your channel, The Travel Channel, would cancel the show "Bizarre Foods".  This show depicts animals as un-feeling objects, not worthy of life.  It tells the views that animals are solely on this earth to kill and eat.  Many of these animals could be loving pets and often are in the USA and other countries.  These animals deserve our respect and have the right to life. 
Animals are sliced-up alive, their beating, bloody hearts ripped from their chests and consumed, still beating, by Andrew Zimmern!  Imagine the pain, the suffering, the absolute horror these animals go though just for profit and ratings.  It's cold, cruel, inhumane treatment of animals and should not be aired to the world.  Please stop the animal abuse for the sake of these animals and the one's that will be killed in the future. 
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
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