Stop murdering stray dogs and cats in Egypt!

  • av: World Animal Day
  • mottagare: S.E. Herr Ramzy Ezz Eldin Ramzy, Egyptian Ambassador in Berlin, Germany

Strays are a "problem" in Egypt. Animal welfare organisations want to help by spaying the dogs and cats on the streets but the Egyptian government kills them instead. Please help stop this cruelty by signing this.

We the undersigned are shocked about the way Egypt is treating stray dogs and cats. These poor creatures are poisoned even by vets who should help them, not kill them. But this does not solve the problem.

Organisations such as S.P.A.R.E. support solving the stray problems by spaying instead of killing them. This is the right way to show people all over the world you care for your animals. Please support this initiative and stop killing innocent animals!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for your support, which is highly appreciated.
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