Stop MR. HATEM YAVUZ - Largest Seal Slaughterer Tycoon

Self-proclaimed "The King of Seal Killers", Mr. Hatem Yavuz operates his business in Sydney, Australia where he employs thousands in Namibia to slaughter young seals for his business as a 'tycoon'. He also gets baby seal skins from Greenland and Canada and owns 60% of the seal fur market.
His factory in Istanbul sees over 130,000 seal skins per year. Mr. Yavuz has tried to 'breed' seals in cages himself, but they suffered terribly because they were not allowed to go near 'water' where they need to 'live'.
Mr. Yavuz laughs very proudly that women call him a "disgrace" for what he does by killing baby seals to keep his multi-million dollar empire going, but he does not care....he 'loves what he does' for a living.
Mr. Yavuz needs to find another way of living, rather than to club and skin young seals while still alive and in front of nursing mothers in Namibia, Greenland and Canada.
This is the 21st Century, and there is NO NEED for wearing fur any longer when there are other viable products on the market.
Mr. Hatem Yavuz needs to be stopped now. (NON-GRAPHIC VIDEO)
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