• The Citizens of Florida have realized and experienced the severe judicial corruption and prejudice is has been occurring through the court systems against the Citizens of Florida throughout the state  by corrupt Judges, magistrates and attorneys. 

    The Citizens must come to together and stop this professional malice and bias against the average hard-working American family since the power lies with us as it is stated in the preamble "We the People" - It does not say "we the judges or we the lawyers or we the legislators but "WE THE PEOPLE". 

    This petition contains the three elements that will effect change in the state of Florida as it did with the civil rights movements of Martin Luther king Jr. and mahatma Gandhi: 
  • We the People has a noble cause. (Holding our government servants accountable for their actions)
  • We the People has a peaceful means to solve the problem. (Questioning our government servants behavior as it relates to the Constitution and moral standards)
  •  We the People needs Critical Mass. We need all organizations interested in any Constitutional Violation by the Government to join us in holding our Servant Government accountable for their actions such as Judges, magistrates and attorney

These so-called "officers of court" are not obeying the US & FL laws and statutes that they have taken sworn oaths to "uphold and support" before the Citizens and before God.  The People's Constitutional protected rights are being slowly eroded but great abused!

Please sign this petition and have everyone that you know that sign it also - we need your support !!!


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