stop  Farm slaughter!

  • av: ariats
  • mottagare: 100,000
    Today, I am sure, that many horses were slaughtered for meat and glue,  already over billions horses are slaughtered.  To think, not only the horses but, to all the animals that are slaughtered: farm/ house pets
Fact: if pigs are not already dead in slaughter houses, they eather, boil, cut there throuts, or  cut off feet alive.
Fact: If pigs arnt growing fast enough, the farmers eather, take a gun to the head while standing on the pig, or the beat them on the concrete ground.
fact: egg farms have little cages no bigger than a medium sized cat carryer, with six to 8 hens in each pen.  some chickens/ hens are deabeaked for laying eggs. most egg farms cages are on a plat forn on the rood in a barn, the ground covered in chicken/ hen droppings.
when the  chickes/ hens try to escape, most drop to there death.
fact: cows that are still alive in slaughter houses, get there testicals cut off alive.
Fact: this goes to far without stopping, im speechless about what I learned.
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