Stop Dogs Experiments at Green Hill

Look at the eyes of the dog in the picture,: they're sad, scared and imploring help!
In fact this is what we are supposed to give .. our help!

This is one of the 2500 dogs that were born, raised and that died in Green Hill, the most sadly popular Italian Beagles breeding centre, aimed to vivisection.

Dogs are kept in inhumane conditions (neither air nor natural light) and forced to live in small iron cages, where they can hardly move. They come out, only to be placed on the operating table to be used for experiments.

This is definitely Terrible and Surreal! And absolutely Inhuman!

I'm asking you to join me by signing this petition to STOP all of it !
Remember that being united makes us strong!!.. and we'll be able to make a difference! So ... PLEASE HELP US TO HELP THEM!
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