SPEP Members and Allies, Against the Advocacy Committee Resolution

  • av: SPEP Members and Allies
  • mottagare: The Executive Committee of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy

The annual conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy was held in Philadelphia, PA, from 19 to 22 October, 2011.

At the business meeting on 21 October, the Advocacy Committee proposed a resolution expressing support, on behalf of the entire SPEP membership, for "the independent efforts of the new Pluralist's Guide to Philosophy to: 1) provide new sources of information on areas of philosophy that remain underrepresented in most doctoral programs in the discipline and 2) provide information on the conditions for women and minorities in graduate programs." The resolution was passed by 118 members.

We, the undersigned, are SPEP members as well as non-member "allies" standing in solidarity with our colleagues and friends. Together, we strongly condemn the Committee's support of the "Climate for Women in Philosophy" section of the Pluralist's guide. 

We believe that the information contained therein is misleading (at best) and libellous (at worst). We believe this has been conclusively demonstrated in numerous venues.

Furthermore, we believe that the editors of the Pluralist's Guide have displayed profound irresponsibility in refusing to remove this information from their website.

We ask that the Committee retract this resolution, or to amend it by removing all references to "The Climate for Women in Philosophy."

The annual conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy was held in Philadelphia, PA, from 19 to 22 October, 2011.

At the business meeting on 21 October, the Advocacy Committee proposed a resolution expressing support, on behalf of the entire SPEP membership, for "the independent efforts of the new Pluralist's Guide to Philosophy to: 1) provide new sources of information on areas of philosophy that remain underrepresented in most doctoral programs in the discipline and 2) provide information on the conditions for women and minorities in graduate programs." The resolution was passed by 118 members.

We, the undersigned, are SPEP members as well as non-member "allies" standing in solidarity with our colleagues and friends. Together, we strongly condemn the Committee's support of the "Climate for Women in Philosophy" section of the Pluralist's guide. 

We believe that the information contained therein is misleading (at best) and libellous (at worst). We believe this has been conclusively demonstrated in numerous venues.

Furthermore, we believe that the editors of the Pluralist's Guide have displayed profound irresponsibility in refusing to remove this information from their website.

We ask that the Committee retract this resolution, or to amend it by removing all references to "The Climate for Women in Philosophy."

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