Shakira in Rock in Rio Lisboa 2008 (Shakira no Rock in Rio Lisboa 2008)

  • av: Shakira Fans
  • mottagare: Who wants that Shakira goes to Rock in Rio Lisboa 2008 (Quem quiser que a Shakira actue no Rock in Rio Lisboa 2008)
As you know, Shakira performed in 2006 in Rock in Rio in Lisbon. 90.000 people went to the festival in that day and Shakira made a memorable performance. If you want that Shakira performes again in this year's Rock in Rio Lisboa, please sign the petition. She deserves.
 The petition will be shown to the Rock in Rio organization. Thank you!

Como sabem, a Shakira actuou no Rock in Rio Lisboa em 2006. 90.000 pessoas assistiram à sua actuação e a Shakira fez uma actuação memorável. Se querem que a Shakira vá novamente ao Rock in Rio Lisboa, por favor assinem a petição. Ela merece.
A petição será entregue à organização do Rock in Rio. Obrigado!
We the undersigned want to bring Shakira to this year's festival 'Rock in Rio' in Lisbon. She performed for the first time in this festival in 2006 for 90.000 people. Her performance was broacasted on television and she got great reviews. We want to show this petition to the organization of Rock in Rio in order to make possible her presence in the festival. Alejandro Sanz has been confirmed to perform in the festival and it would be great if Shakira performed on the same day. They could sing together, who knows!
Thank you for your tim and please sing the petition!
Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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