Serbia Suffering

We the undersigned wish to issue and register a formal complaint to the European Union Commission regarding animal welfare atrocities perpetrated by the Serbian Authorities.  They (the Serbian authorities) stand accused of acts in contravention of their own current Serbian Legislation Article 269.

These acts involve wilful and planned slaughter of thousands of dogs and cats in contravention of Article 46; Article 138; of the Veterinary Legal Code.  Article 269 of the Criminal Code of Serbia states that any person guilty of acting in contravention of the Criminal Code, is liable of up to 3 (three) years imprisonment, if found guilty of illegal slaughter of animals  and cruelty.  These animals are collected by dog catchers (named 'shinters' ) specially employed for the task by the local authorities.  Once caught both dogs and cats are held captive together and they may be kept locked in cages without food and water for several days.  This often results in aggressive and destructive behaviour, with cannibalism being the result of starvation.  Hygiene in relation to the caaptive animals welfare during detention is also very much an issue of concern.  The animals are eventually put to death by any of the following methods:-

1.  Injections of drug T-61 into the lungs causing paralysis and a prolonged and painful death.  In 1988 drug T-61 was withdrawn from manufacturer in the United States of America, as it is considered unsuitable for euthanasia.  In 1994, it was considered unsuitable for use in Canada. (ref 1.)

2.  Killing with pitchforks.

3.  Killing by the use of Mallets.  In other words, beating the animal to death.

4.  Killing with Nuvan and Kreozan poisons.  These cause death by suffocation after the following prolonged effects - headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, excessive sweating, salivation, blurred vision, tightness in the chest, weakness, muscle twitching, and confusion.  Also convulsions, severe respiratory depression, unconsciousness, and eventual death.

We are aware that dogs and cats cannot make us aware of headaches and nausea, but these have been found to be present in humans who work with these toxins.  Therefore there is no reason to doubt that animals might also suffer from these effects.

5.  Live animals are also dumped on rubbish tips in plastic bags.

6.  Live animals are also hung, hanging suspended until death.

7.  Live animals are thrown into 'compacting' (crushing machines).  The 'crusher' or 'compactor' is part of a refuse vehicle used by the authorities.

8.  LATEST !! - 29 June 2007 - It has been brought to our attention that dogs are being buried alive in the town of Novi Sad; Serbia.  A hole is dug and then the dog catchers (shinters) throw the live dogs in and cover them with soil.  This has been reported by Mrs Jelena Tinska a known Serbian actress, and also reported in the Serbian paper named as KURIR. 

All the facts listed above are in direct contravention of the Veterinary Legislation of Serbia which demands a duty of care for all animals, and forbids the killing of stray animals.  We the undersigned as full citizens of the European Union (EU) and citizens of the World,  call on the Enlargement Commission of the European Union (EU) for Serbia to be excluded from admission to the European Union, until they are able to show and prove that they are willing to abide by their own legislation.  We also ask that admission to the EU should only be considered when Serbia has maintained the ability to abide by their own Legislation for a period of time decided upon by the EU Commission.

Ref 1.  T-61 :  T-61 is an unacceptable injectable drug combination containing a local anaesthetic, a general anaesthetic, and a neuromuscular blocking agent.  It has been removed from the market by the manufacturer in the United States.  It is intended to be given intravenously at a precise rate of injection (1cc for 5 seconds) that is almost impossible to maintain.  Most importantly, if improperly administered, T-61 can cause animals  intense pain after administration and a curare-like paralysis of respiration (suffocation) before the animal loses consciousness.  Because of these limitations, T-61 is an unacceptable euthanasia agent.

Information on T-61 from reference sources at the Humane Society of the United States;  Washington DC
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