Great Turtle Race Seafood Pledge!

Avoiding Tuna, Swordfish and Shrimp during The Great Turtle Race II is a simple way you can be part of the solution!

After surviving the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs, rare leatherbacks are now endangered.  The number of sea turtles captured each year--estimated at 250,000--by swordfish, tuna, and shrimp boats is staggering.

Leatherback Sea Turtles: 100,000,000 years old, only 10 years left?
I understand that what I put on my dinner plate affects sea turtles.  I want to discourage harmful fishing practices by choosing seafood that is less detrimental to the welfare of endangered sea turtles.  Therefore, I pledge not to eat tuna, swordfish, or shrimp during the Great Turtle Race II!
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