1 World Against Animal-Testing

Reference: http://www.mmail.com.my/content/32184-animaltesting-centre-be-set-malaysia
 A RM450 million deal has been signed between a large Indian biotechnology company and State government-owned Melaka Biotech Holdings Sdn Bhd to set up three animal-experimentation laboratories.

The primates, small animals and canine-testing laboratories will be part of a one-stop fully-integrated biotechnology centre for the development, testing and manufacturing of medicines.

Location:  Rembia in Alor Gajah, Melaka, MALAYSIA

What we have to say: 
"Having multi-million dollar animal-testing labs is NOT something we humans should be proud of!"

Summary:We humans are the only creation of God that has been given the extraordinary ability to THINK and make only the BEST DECISIONS, not only for us humans, but also for the sake of every other of His creations on this Earth, be it living creatures or nature.

Here is a link to an article which basically sums up why animal-experimentation laboratories are NOT necessary on Malaysian grounds.http://www.buzzle.com/articles/argument-against-animal-testing.html

Here is another link that contains other alternatives that can be taken to substitute animal-testing: http://www.mmail.com.my/content/34684-animal-groups-protest-over-planned-animal-test-lab

 We, the undersigned would like to draw the attention of the Government of Malaysia, to seriously consider to make all the necessary measures so that the plan to build three animal-experimentation laboratories in Rembia in Alor Gajah, Melaka be aborted.

Our protest for the development of the animal-testing labs is mainly because we are humans who respect the rights of the future animals to be tested there. As Malaysians, we are not going to be proud of having a place that performs cruelty towards animals on the grounds of our home despite it being a centre with state of the art facilities. For those of us who are not Malaysians, but as human-beings would like to urge you to take other alternatives such as mention in this article: http://www.mmail.com.my/content/34684-animal-groups-protest-over-planned-animal-test-lab



Many people mistakenly think that animal testing is necessary for medical progress. The truth is that testing on animals has actually killed people. Animals of different species have differences in the ways that their bodies absorb, metabolize, and eliminate substances.


As you know, the most accurate way to predict what will happen in humans is to use preclinical tests based on human biology. For more info rmation about the many humane alternatives to animal testing, please see the factsheet at http://peta.org/mc/factsheet_display.asp?ID=87.


Ultimately, it boils down to the moral principle that we do not have the right to manipulate and kill animals for our own purposes. It is wrong to experiment on animals for the same reason that it is wrong to experiment on the poor, the mentally retarded, or the institutionalized. The fact that they are weaker than us%u2014or perhaps less able to communicate in ways that we can understand%u2014does not give us the right to barter their lives away. It is not necessary or ethical for non-consenting people or animals to be sacrificed for the %u201Ccommon good.%u201D


As mentioned in the overview of this petition; we humans are the only creation of God that has been given the extraordinary ability to think and make only the best decisions, not only for us humans, but also for the sake of every other of His creations on this Earth, be it living creatures or nature.


Here is a link to an article which basically sums up why animal-experimentation laboratories are NOT necessary on Malaysian grounds.http://www.buzzle.com/articles/argument-against-animal-testing.html

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this letter.


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