Say no to rodeos in Guarulhos, SP, Brazil

Guarulhos, a city in Brazil, SP,  intends to legalize the project
using the law number 330/05, of the alderman Wagner Freitas,
which supresses the article 26 of law number 6033/04 that
prohibits in Guarulhos, the entrance in rodeos, vaquejadas
(rodeos using cows), cavalhadas (rodeos using horses)
and any other kind of animals in Guarulhos.
The vote in Parliament will be in coming days and that
and gave us a great concern.

This project aims exclusively comply with the financial
interests of one sector, without considering the exploitation of the animal.

We can not accept it because of the enormous cruelty and
suffering that is imposed on the animals used.

While the world society mobilizes around the protection and
welfare of all animals, the opposite is true in Guarilhos,
as well in Sao Paulo and in the other cities that don't
have a modern and advanced legislation in respect of animal life.

That's why we ask you to help us to stop the legalization of rodeos.

Thank you,
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