Save the Whales Again!

Sign the Official Whaleman Petition here.


The mission of the "Save the Whales Again!" Campaign is:

- To end all commercial and scientific whaling worldwide by Japan, Norway, and Iceland.

- To end the brutal drive and harpoon hunts of Japan and the Faroe Islands which kill over 25,000 dolphins, porpoises, pilot whales, and other small whales every year.

- To raise public awareness to all the other threats dolphins and whales face including toxic pollution, noise pollution, global warming, loss of habitat, entanglement in fishing nets, collisions with ships, and increasing whaling.


The words above are taken from the official Save the Whales Again website. I want to extend my support of the campaign by bringing it here to the Care2 website. I believe all of you guys would care about the whales so bringing the petition here would help gather more signature for the petition. We need a million signatures but right now, I will only set the target to 100,000.

The PSA will tell you that the deadline for the million signatures was on June 2009 but it was extended to June 2010. I know we can do this.

You can watch Hayden Panettiere's PSA for the Whaleman Foundation here.

Please make sure that when you sign this petition, you also sign the Official Whaleman Petition here.

If you want to join us at SocialVibe, click here.

Thank you.

The Whaleman Foundation logo for SocialVibe
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