Save the Kansas State Marching Band!

The K-State Marching Band is in danger of losing its funding through SGA.

After having the smallest budget in the Big 12 and having one of the biggest programs, the funding that is so vital to the development and growth of the program at risk.

SGA has decided to lower the bands budget next year with an effect of ZERO dollars in funds in 3 years. 

  • Moved by Senator Wagner to Decrease the University Bands budget and seconded as follows:
    • FY 2010 - $140,000
    • FY 2011 - $70,000
    • FY 2012 - $0 and eliminated as a line item from the Privilege Fee.
    • Passed 15-0-0.

PLEASE sign the petition! Join our cause and make your voice heard and help support the KSUMB!

We the undersigned, believe that the Kansas State University Bands are a vital part of the university and that Kansas State, as an institution and a students body, does receive direct benefits from the operation, presence, and further support of the band programs at Kansas State University, through the medium of both school and community sponsored events.

Additionally, we believe that the Student Government Association and the Privilege Fee Committee should not make any further altercations, resulting in a decrease of funds, to the KSU Band line-item in the privilege fee budget, as approved for FY 2008 until an alternative source of equal of greater annuity in negotiated and or secured.

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