Wes Chesbro ask's for 6 month slow down Mr Snow.

Like a Salmon swimming against the flow... of political currents of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative. Sign our petition to support Assemblyman Wesley Chesbro's six-months delay of the implementation of the MLPA.


This was once a good law but we are being railroaded toward a deadline through a time span that is too short and our State's Democratic Process has been disenfranchised in the push to cajole the generally distant public and the resource dependent working class coastal communities into going along with this complex process.


We are just asking for more time and for the legislators to look into the process to make sure it was all done legally. Please sign in support to slow down the MLPA process, which Wesley Chesbro has called for by asking Resources Secretary Lester Snow for a six month delay. Please show your support for this slow down!


TO; The  Honourable Wes Chesbro We the undersigned thank you for your time to try and slow the MLPAi down. We know it was a good law to start with but it does not look anything like what it was intended to be it is to costly and will hurt our ocean if it is not done right.We have sustaniable fisheries on the north coast and if this is not done right it will hurt not help.THANK YOU.
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