NB: Cette pétition est aussi disponible en français : www.thepetitionsite.com/1/SauvonsRCS
We the undersigned support the Canadian Health Network. We demand that the funding cut required of the Public Health Agency of Canada be rescinded, that full, stable funding for the Canadian Health Network be restored immediately, and that this valuable Canadian health information resource continue to be developed to become the best of its kind in the world.
The Conservative government plans to shut down the Canadian Health Network by the end of March 2008.
The Canadian Health Network (CHN) is a national, bilingual health promotion service operated by the Public Health Agency of Canada and major health organizations across the country. One of the most comprehensive networks of its kind in the world, CHN offers reliable information on health promotion and disease and injury prevention, to help individuals and communities make healthy choices that improve the quality of their life. As an online collaborative service, CHN operates through a unique and extensive collaboration among community organizations, universities, hospitals, and libraries.
CHN offers links to more than 20,000 web-based, quality-assessed resources in English, French and many other languages; in-depth information on 25 key health topics and population groups; and a fortnightly e-newsletter. It is used currently by approximately 390,000 people per month. Usage has grown steadily since it was created in 1999, and especially rapidly in 2007, increasing by 70 per cent over 2006. Approximately 40 per cent of CHN visitors are health professionals who use CHN resources both personally and with clients; Francophones visit CHN in higher proportions than comparable sites; and 94 per cent of users recommend the site to others.
Here are some other reasons for saving the Canadian Health Network:
Please act today to preserve the Canadian Health Network. Sign this petition and add your voice to the many who are defending non-commercial, publicly funded health information for all Canadians. Send a letter (or make use of a sample letter we have provided) to your MP, the Minister of Health, and the Prime Minister.
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