Save WHALES from extinction!!!

  • av: Christoph Poss, WWF
  • mottagare: Toshiyuki Takano, Japanese ambassador of Germany, embassy of Japan


After the 58th IWC (International Whaling Comission) the whaling-nations are for the first time in a majority. That could be the end for all whales! We canŽt allow such a horrible thing! LetŽs try to save the last beautiful and peaceful whales on this earth! Together WE can change things!

Dear Mr. Takano

I was shocked to hear that the whaling-nations for the first time are in a majority of one after the 58th IWC (International Whaling Comission). I demand that Japan immediately stops buying off votes from poor countries. ThatŽs not democratic but deceitful and cowardly!
Besides 77% of all Japanese and millions of other people are against whaling! I think thatŽs not surprising, because

-whalemeat doesnŽt taste very well,

-nobody wants to buy whalemeat, therefore itŽs made to dog biscuits!,

-whales are beautiful and peaceful animals,

-whaling is inhuman and cruel, because the whales die slowly and
 painful and

-whales are in danger of extinction!

As the Japanese ambassador of Germany, you have to ask the Japanese government to stop definite whaling and stop buying off votes from poor countries.
IŽm sure, that the Japanese donŽt want to be responsible for the extinction of all whales.

Yours sincerely,

Christoph Poss
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