Save Walter Reed Middle School's Music Teachers

The best and most devoted music teachers at Walter Reed Middle School have just been pink slipped, days after winning the prestigious Bravo award.  In addition to to teaching over 60% of the school's population how to play in an orchestra, a jazz band and glee club, the teachers have been working tirelessly to help put on the school's annual musical - this year's Bye Bye Birdie.  Not only did the musical surpass expectations but it included a variety of performers from different backgrounds, cultures and departments.  Dedication, talent and the willingness to work hard was all it took.
The annual musical at Walter Reed, and its music program, are part of what makes this public middle school one of the best in the district.  It affords children with no access to private schools the chance to learn, compete and perform as well, sometimes better, than those who do.  
Is this really how we want to educate our ambitious up and coming students?  Is this how we see our future?  Are we really going to watch as they strip the humanity and art from public school so that are they have left is testing, testing and more testing? 
We have the power to change things.  We are in charge.  We pay taxes and that gives us a lot of control over how this will turn out.  Please help by signing this petition.
Additionally, the students of the school have set up their own website to save their music department,
You can read more about the department and the teachers here:
Finally, this website has a link where you can contact your school board member to protest this loudly and relentlessly.
The connection between learning and playing music has been documented and reported countless times.  This is not something that can be written off as an "elective."  This is a vital part of their education.  
Thanks for your time.<br>
Sasha Stone<br>Awards Daily<br>Walter Reed Middle School Parent<br>
It is also helpful to call board members directly: p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; line-height: 15.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; line-height: 15.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px}

Tamar Galatzan at 213.241.6386<br>

John Deasy at 213.241.7000<br>

Thank you for signing our petition.  Every name helps to show support.
Signera petitionen
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