The University of British Columbia, located on Musqueam traditional territory, is home to the last working farm in Vancouver. The 24 hectare UBC Farm/ Centre for Sustainable Food Systems serves as a model for urban agriculture, a research site for sustainable food production and sustainability education, a unique and beautiful ecosystem balancing cultivated and native plants and animals, a sourceof fresh, local produce, and a hub for community and service learning.

Unfortunately The UBC Farm is currently under threat as housing at UBC expands. It is entirely possible to save the farm and still meet housing needs as laid out in the community and campus plan.

In recognition of the unique experiential learning and academic research space at UBC Farm please support the following proposal to retain and enhance the existing UBC Farm/ Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at the University of British Columbia as an innovative centre for sustainable agriculture, agroforestry, food systems and community health:

Retain UBC Farm in the current location in South Campus where soils have been built up for 40 years.

Retain UBC Farm at its current size (24 hectares) to ensure that it can continue its varied, innovative research and community programming, as well as its demonstration of sustainable production-scale agriculture.

Preserve significant wildlife corridors around the Farm which serve as integral habitat for frogs, eagles, hawks, owls and at least 60 other species of birds living in balance with an integrated farm ecosystem.
In recognition of the unique experiential learning and academic research space at UBC Farm, we the undersigned support the following proposal to retain and enhance the existing UBC Farm/ Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at the University of British Columbia as an innovative centre for sustainable agriculture, agroforestry, food systems and community health:

Retain UBC Farm in the current location in South Campus where soils have been built up for 40 years.

Retain UBC Farm at its current size (24 hectares) to ensure that it can continue its varied, innovative research and community programming, as well as its demonstration of sustainable production-scale agriculture.

Preserve significant wildlife corridors around the Farm which serve as integral habitat for frogs, eagles, hawks, owls and at least 60 other species of birds living in balance with an integrated farm ecosystem.
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