Save The Sumatran Forest

In the past few decades, Sumatra's lowland forests have shrunk dramatically, from 16 million hectares in 1900 to just 500,000-600,000 hectares today. With your support we can stop this destruction.

Tropical rainforests are phenomenally rich in wildlife; home to almost three-quarters of the world's known land-based plants and animals. Harapan Rainforest is no exception. This rainforest is part of the Sumatran lowland forest, the richest in plantlife in the world and home to a stunning array of birds and wildlife. Harapan Rainforest represents one sixth of Sumatra's remaining lowland rainforests.

Our ambitious project to restore habitat of this scale and importance is not a task undertaken lightly. The success of this campaign will depend on your support.

Watch the video about the Sumartan Forest
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