Save The Rockstone

The official court hearing discussing the granting of a premises license for The Rockstone Pub will be held in front of the Licensing Authority at 09:30 on 1st December 2011 in the Civic Centre, Southampton. Although Southampton City Council did give the local community the opportunity to voice both their positive and negative opinions about the Rockstone, we were only made aware that it was possible to send in letters of support 2 days before the cut off point. We have received a lot of positive feedback verbally during our 2 residents meetings and so we would like to use this petition as a forum for our supporters to put across their opinions and we will forward them to the council on December 1st.

At The Rockstone (formerly the Bevois Castle) we are aiming to create a country pub in the centre of town. We want to create a social environment for a non student market. We will be serving a selection of fine wines, ciders and ales for the conscientious drinker. Many of our staff have personal licences and do not abide by competitive drinking, something which is reflected in the premium product selection we will be providing.

If this is something that excited you as much as it does us, please show your support and keep the dream alive!
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