Save the Botanical Garden Post Office on Webster Ave!

We, the undersigned, object to the United States Postal Service's proposed plan to eliminate the Botanical Garden sub-station branch located at 2963 Webster Avenue (between Bedford Park Blvd. and E. 201st Street). 

Our objections to the planned closing of the Botanical Garden post office are based on the grounds that the possible loss of this post office location would have extremely negative impacts on the residents and businesses in Bedford Park.   

We urge the USPS to protect the mail services of the community of Bedford Park by ensuring the continued operation of the Botanical Garden/Webster Avenue sub-station.

We thank you in advance for your close attention to this matter. 
We, the undersigned, object to the United States Postal Service's proposed plan to eliminate the Botanical Garden sub-station branch located at 2963 Webster Avenue (between Bedford Park Blvd. and E. 201st Street). 

Our objections to the planned closing of the Botanical Garden post office are based on the grounds that the possible loss of this post office location would have extremely negative impacts on the residents and businesses in Bedford Park.   

We urge the USPS to protect the mail services of the community of Bedford Park by ensuring the continued operation of the Botanical Garden/Webster Avenue sub-station.

We thank you in advance for your close attention to this matter. 
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