Save Tappan House

The Hospital is currently working with the City of Attleboro to find a way to relocate this historic structure!  Thank You to all who let the hospital know that destruction of our history is not a wise business decision.

This 27 room historic landmark was built in 1901 in Attleboro, MA, and is the most important residential structure in the city.  It is a rare and intact example of the Jacobethan style in America and is a key piece of the cultural and architectural history of the city.  Its destruction would represent an important loss to the heritage of Massachusetts and would forever change the character of the City of Attleboro.

Sturdy Memorial Hospital,  current owner of the landmark, threatened to demolish it in 2002; but ultimately backed off their aggressive plan after receiving pressure from the city government and many citizens.  This time the hospital has given little notice to the community of their renewed efforts to destroy our history and plan to demolish the mansion early in 2011, despite having no immediate plans for the land. 

Please join us in sending a message to Sturdy Memorial Hospital and the Attleboro City Government that community based organizations, like a local hospital, need to work harder to maintain the history and character of the community they serve.

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