Save St.Maarten by improving Visitor and Resident Experiences

As a brand new country with only one source of income (tourism) St.Maarten needs to provide our visitors and residents alike with an experience above all others just to remain competitive in a world with countless destinations.

Citizens for a better St.Maarten is a non political / non partisan group whose sole purpose is to shine a light on the areas that we feel needs the urgent attention of everyone who loves this wonderful island.  Anyone from anywhere can join us and hopefully as our numbers grow we will be heard.

Our first area of interest is Airport Immigration
Airport immigration is often the first point of contact for people vacationing on the island and since the founders of this group have been working at the airport for many years we have heard hundreds of complaints of the way people are being treated as they enter the country and very few complimentary remarks so we decided to create this petition.

If you feel Country St.Maarten needs to improve the customer experiences at Airport Immigration please sign our petition.  You can choose to remain anonymous if you wish.  Please leave a comment telling us your story and how you feel it can be improved.  List any positive feedback as well.  We don't want to bash anyone and feel that constructive criticism is the only way things can get better.

Forward this petition to your entire contact list so we can make all make a change for the better.

Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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