Save Sordid Lives the Series

Greetings everyone,

As you may know by now, the LOGO channel has decided to cancel Sordid Lives the Series. We have decided that we are going to do everything in our power to continue working on this wonderful show.

Here is what you can do to help. There is a group on Facebook that is gathering member/signatures to present to other networks, such as Bravo, Showtime, and HBO. Their goal is 50,000 signatures.

There is also a Facebook page called Petition to get Sordid Lives picked up by another network.

All the signatures on the various pages count towards the final goal. We are 90 member/signatures away from 10,000.

If we all have at least one friend sign it will give us 20,000 strong. It would be spectacular if you had ten friends or even your whole friends list to join. We all want to get back to work on this brilliant show, and you the fans are what is going to help make this happen.

Thank you for all your support. I hope to see those numbers climb.
Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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