Save Our Bunnies at American Camp

  • av: Save Our Bunnies
  • mottagare: Animal lovers and residents of, and visitors to, San Juan Island, WA

We want an alternative to the killing of the remaining rabbits at American Camp National Historic Park on San Juan Island, WA. We also want transparency regarding the activities of the National Park Service at both American Camp and English Camp Historic National Parks.

Current questions we have are: How did the community of established rabbits disappear? What poisonous herbicides and other procedures are being used to kill plants at the parks and destroy trees? How are these poisons and procedures affecting birds, other wildlife, groundwater, run-off into the sound, and people who use the parks? What is the responsibility of the NPS to inform residents of activities and are these procedures being followed? How can transparency to the community be assured?

The National Historic Parks on San Juan Island are a treasure of natural beauty as well as an evolving interdependence between rabbits, foxes, eagles, hawks and other wildlife. We want them kept that way. And we want the National Park Service to be accountable to the health and well-being of the park, its residents, and its users.


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