Save Ebersole Environmental Education Center

In 1961, the Lansing School District recognized the value of education in the out-of-doors and initiated a voluntary camping program using sites in the Yankee Springs Recreation Area.  The program was so successful it evolved into what is today known as the Ebersole Environmental Education and Conference Center, a 158-acre site that provides opportunities for "hands-on, minds-on" science education.  Ebersole provides an invaluable learning experience that lasts a lifetime.

There is little debate that difficult decisions need to be made in order to balance the budget.  However, financing for Ebersole Environmental Education Center should not be cut.  As the Lansing School District continues to struggle with decreasing enrollment, the Lansing School Board needs to recognize programs that are an asset to the district. 

Keep Ebersole Environmental Education and Conference Center open so that it can continue to enrich our children's lives.

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