Save Coney Island!- Preserve the People's Playground, Create a World Class Amusement Destination

Save Coney Island!

Preserve the People's Playground, Create a World-Class Amusement Destination

Coney Island is a world-renowned amusement destination and a People's Playground for New Yorkers of all backgrounds and incomes.

Today, however, the future of Coney Island is in doubt.

The city's current rezoning plan for the neighborhood would destroy Coney Island's unique character and undermine its historic amusement function: It allows high-rise towers up to 30 stories tall in the heart of Coney Island's amusement district. It limits the area reserved for the outdoor rides to only a narrow strip of land. It clears the way for chain retail and other generic commercial uses within the amusement district. It endangers Coney Island's historic buildings.

We urge the city to fix its plan by making the following changes:

  • 1)  Expand the acreage for outdoor rides and amusements.
  • 2)  Prevent high-rise towers from invading the heart of the amusement district.
  • 3)  Promote small businesses and local entrepreneurs and prevent their displacement.
  • 4)  Protect Coney Island's historic buildings.
  • 5)  Create jobs for New Yorkers in the amusement industry by preserving amusement zoning.

By fixing its plan, the city can revitalize Coney Island's historic amusement district, preserving it as a playground for all New Yorkers, a world-class tourist destination and an economic engine for the Coney Island community and New York City.
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