Save C-Jay Jackson from the Death Sentence for Attacking a Cat

C-Jay, a Staffordshire mix dog, got out of his fenced in yard after the gate to his fenced yard was accidentally left open by a visitor. While loose, C-Jay attacked a neighbor's cat. The cat sustained injuries, but survived. Judge White claims that C-Jay is dangerous, even though he has no history of aggression towards people or dogs, and ordered him to be euthanized.

C-Jay has been in held in Dundee's Brown Street Kennels. C-Jay's owners, Tracy Jackson and her teenage daughter, have not been able to visit him since the attack.

While C-Jay shouldn't have been loose, prey drive in all breeds of dogs is very natural. He was just being a dog and his behavior could have happened in any breed of dog.

Don't let C-Jay be destroyed. Tell Judge White what you think about his ruling.
Please don't let C-Jay be destroyed for attacking a cat. He was simply being a dog. He shouldn't have been loose, but your sentence is way too severe for his behavior. He has shown no signs of aggression and has not history of attacks on people or dogs.

All breeds of dogs have prey drive. It is very unfortunate that the cat was injured, but C-Jay doesn't deserve to die for this behavior.

Thank you for re-considering your position.

Lisa Spector
Care2 Blogger
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