Save Britain's Badgers

  • av: Helen S
  • mottagare: To make the government abandon plans to cull badgers
I want as many signatures as possible to stop the unnecessary cull of badgers. The UK government & many UK farmers think killing badgers will stop the growth of TB in cattle, and MPs are pushing for a cull of badgers. The truth is that most TB is passed from cattle to cattle, or due to poor farming practices.

This is important to me because I live in Devon a rural area with alot of wildlife including Badgers and farming is a big industry here, my family put out all our leftover food out for badgers which not only helps the badgers but stops it going to landfill, they are beautiful creatures who love to play.

The badger is a protected species and a much loved symbol of British wildlife. A cull could cause enormous suffering, particularly as it is possible that methods such as snaring may be used to 'remove' these beautiful creatures (Taken from RSPCA website).

Just because badgers also contract TB people are saying there is a link without any evidence to back this up it is a witch hunt.

Also a cull won't work

"It is not possible to cull only diseased badgers because there is no reliable test to identify them. This means that most of the badgers killed in any cull would be disease-free because the available evidence shows that the vast majority of badgers are free from TB." (Taken from RSPCA website)

When this petition gets 1000 signatures I aim to send a copy to my local MP Anthony Steen who is for Badger culling and to 10 Downing Street via their website. I make will sure this petition gets noticed even if I have to go to London myself!

Your signature really counts so please sign and send it to everyone you know the more signatures the more impact!

As well as my petition please sign the RSPCA one as well at
We the undersigned need to stop the unnecessary cull of Badgers in the United Kingdom

Please help me stop this by signing my petition all signatures gratefully received

Thanks for taking the time to read my letter

Thank you Thank you Thank you!
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