Save Abused Farm Animals in Iowa

I need your help in spreading the word, regarding an article placed on the CNN website today, titled :

PETA video shows pigs abused at Iowa farm"
"An undercover video taken at an Iowa pig farm shows workers hitting sows with metal rods, slamming piglets on a concrete floor and bragging about jamming rods up into sows' hindquarters"

For me, animal abuse is the worst kind of abuse!!!!  Please sign this petition and forward it to everybody you know, so help us force the closure of this facility AND the prosecution of the guilty parties.

This petition will be send directly to Hormel Foods, Austin, Minnesota.

Thank you for your time and support.

Jené Britton
We the undersigned, hereby petition to have the farm, located outside Bayard, Iowa, about 60 miles west of Des Moines, who currently is a supplier to Hormel Foods of Austin, Minnesota, be shut down, investigated and guilty parties prosecuted for the inexcusable animal abuse that surfaced after an article about an undercover video appeared on CNN's website today.

To read the full story on this gross abuse, please visit the story featured on CNN, at

As one of the largest processed food suppliers in the US, we would like Hormel Foods, to take a stand against these farm workers and ensure their prosecution.

Thank you

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