Restore LACMA's Film Program!

  • av: Debra Levine
  • mottagare: Michael Govan, Director, Los Angeles County Museum of Art
On Wednesday July 28, 2009, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) announced the cancellation of a weekend film program that has been a mainstay of high-quality international film screenings in Los Angeles for the past 41 years.

We call on Director Michael Govan to reconsider his decision and restore our film program. We stand ready, as LACMA members, or as concerned citizens, to advise LACMA and participate in the program's improvement or positive evolution.

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Target:Michael Govan, Director, Los Angeles County Museum of Art
On Wednesday July 28, 2009, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) announced the cancellation of a weekend film program that has been a mainstay of high-quality international film screenings in Los Angeles for the past 41 years.

We call on Director Michael Govan to reconsider his decision and restore our film program. We stand ready, as LACMA members, or as concerned citizens, to advise LACMA and participate in the program's improvement or positive evolution.
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