RWA Shouldn't Be in the Business of Discrimination

Recently Romance Writer's of America took a stance on allowing same sex books into contest. The Tulsa Chapter of RWA decided that their judges were uncomfortable judging books that included same sex couples, thus preventing any books from being entered that included same sex relationships.
This is a section of the rules and regulations for the More Than Magic contest run by the Tulsa Chapter of RWA.

ENTRY DEADLINE: March 2, 2012 - Books must be received by March 7, 2012


1. All entries must be book-length romance fiction.
Includes novellas of at least 15,000 words.

-Note: MTM will no longer accept same-sex entries in any category.

The full set of rules can be found here.

Lesbians, Gays, Bi, and Transgender people are a reality in todays world. Discrimination against any group is still discrimination, even in fiction contest. When emailed, the contest organizers replied that they were "uncomfortable" with same sex relationships.

Same sex couples are entitled to be represented in fiction as much as heterosexual couples. Denying authors the chance to enter contests because of the sexual preference of their characters is wrong. Please sign this petition to encourage RWA include books in competitions that feature same sex couples.

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