Romania: stop killing stray dogs! start neutering!

This petition is now closed and all signatures habe been handed over to the Romanian embassy, Stockholm. The petition had to close this night, since the amendment of the Animal Welfare law will be discussed during a plenary session in the parliament the 7 mars 2011 and hopefully this protest will make the politicians think twice before voting yes to the amendment.

We reached 3.334 signatures. Thank you for your support!

Stray dogs are being killed in Romania on a daily basis, although their current animal protection law (9/2008) prohibits the killing of healthy dogs.

But the parliament voted 1 of March 2011 through a proposal for an amendment - which the two chambers later have to decide on. The proposal wants to legalize the killing of stray dogs and prohibit animal welfare organizations to work with TNR (trap-neuter-release) programs.

We urge the politicians in Romania NOT to vote for a change in the Animal Welfare Law 9/2008. Don't legalize the killing of stray dogs! We urge you to start neuter programs, the most effective and humane method. Let non-governmental organizations keep on helping the dogs and continue their neuter programs. We also urge that animal welfare organizations will have insights in munipical dog-shelters. Please, dont change your law to the worse for the animals!

See for more information
We, the undersigned, urge the politicians in Romania NOT to vote for a change in the Animal Protection Law 9/2008. Don't legalize the killing of stray dogs! We urge you to start neuter programs, the most effective and humane method. Let non-governmental organizations keep on helping the dogs and continue their neuter programs. We also urge that animal welfare organizations will have insights in munipical dog-shelters. Please, dont change your law to the worse for the animals!
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