Return BC Ferries to the BC Ministry of Highways

We urge the government of BC to dissolve the BC Ferries Corporation as a for-profit entity, and return it to the people of British Columbia by once again having it operate as a part of the Ministry of Highways.   We demand a return to the original vision of the ferry system as articulated by WAC Bennett: The ferries are an extension of the highway system, and belong to all British Columbians.
We the undersigned, urge the government of BC to dissolve the BC Ferries Corporation as a for-profit entity, and return it to the people of British Columbia by once again having it operate as a part of the Ministry of Highways.   We respectully demand a return to the original vision of the ferry system as articulated by WAC Bennett: The ferries are an extension of the highway system, and belong to all British Columbians.

Thank you from the citizens of British Columbia
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