Rename the Prince William Cup the Ray Gravell Cup

  • av: The people of Wales & the World!! (hopefully)
  • mottagare: To pay tribute to Welsh rugby legend and true gentleman of our nation, we should rename the Prince William Cup (an English Prince who supports England) the Ray Gravell Cup (a true patriotic Welshman).
 On the 31st of October the Welsh rugby legend, Ray Gravell passed away while on holiday in Spain while recovering from having his leg amputated after suffering from complications with diabities. He was part of the Llanelli team who beat the All Blacks of New Zealand at Stradey park.

  Ray Gravell won 23 caps for Wales and played in all four tests for the Lions during the 1980 tour of South Africa. Since his retirement from the game he remained closely involved with rugby and became President of Llanelli while forging a new career both as an actor and sports broadcaster with the BBC and S4C. 
   He lived in South West Wales with his wife Mari and their daughters Manon and Gwenan. A proud Welshman, he was also a member of the Gorsedd.
   On the 24th of November Wales play South Affrica at Cardiff for the Prince William cup. An Englishman who has done nothing for Welsh Rugby!

   It would be a fitting tribute if we rename it the RAY GRAVELL CUP!! If you belive so, please sign this petition and spread the word!!!

Diolch/Thank you.
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