Remove ALL machines from elections.

  • av: Mark E. Smith
  • mottagare: Dennis Kucinich, U.S. House of Representatives
Democracy requires that all machines be removed from our elections now.
The problems in Florida 2000 did not come from paper ballots. They came from stand-alone ballot marking machines (hanging and dimpled chads, the butterfly ballot) where people were not allowed to mark their own ballots but had a machine doing it for them.

We the People of the United States of America hereby demand that ALL machines be removed from our elections. We prefer to mark our own ballots ourselves with pencils or pens, and to count them ourselves in full public view at the precincts to eliminate corruption.

We neither want nor need expensive machines that can be unevenly distributed, break down, have paper jams, miscount votes, lose votes, or cast a cloud of doubt over a hand count and permit the election to be decided by the courts or by experts.

So say we all.
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