Reduce Wait Times for Weight Loss Surgery in Nova Scotia

There is currently a wait list of over 10 years for bariatric surgery in Nova Scotia. Obese patients who are waiting for surgery often suffer from diabetes, heart disease, asthma, sleep apnea, sore joints, and other illnesses that reduce their quality of life and increase health care costs.

In order to reduce the suffering of these patients and help reduce the health care costs associated with the treatment of obesity-related conditions, we are calling on the Government of Nova Scotia to hire more surgeons, open more clinics, or take whichever other actions are required to reduce the wait lists and ensure that people have access to this life saving surgery.
We the undersigned call on the Government of Nova Scotia to address the problem of the 10 year wait list for bariatric surgery.

There is currently a wait list of over 10 years for bariatric surgery in Nova Scotia. Obese patients who are waiting for surgery often suffer from diabetes, heart disease, asthma, sleep apnea, sore joints, and other illnesses that reduce their quality of life and increase health care costs.

In order to reduce the suffering of these patients and help reduce the health care costs associated with the treatment of obesity-related conditions, we are calling on the Government of Nova Scotia to hire more surgeons, open more clinics, or take whichever other actions are required to reduce the wait lists and ensure that people have access to this life saving surgery. 
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