Recall Nancy Pelosi

As of Sept 30, 2008.  She is worse than ever.
I guess she never heard of "you get more with honey than with vinegar" her Dictating to the Congress prior to them voting was an outrage.
She is the most disgusting person in the whole disgusting House.
Our Country is falling apart and all she can do is promote it...

On August 1 ,2008 Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, USA. Home of the Free. Turned out the lights and microphones on Congress because she could not get her way.  Republicans meet, irregardless of the fact that all the Democrats went on vacation, despite the major problems this country faces.
And, just as our Declaration of Independence say, " If you do not do what I want I can just turn the lights out" Nancy Pelosi, Democrat.
Most USA Citizens still believe in FREE Speech. If you do...
Stop Pelosi
Tea Party Patroits
Stop the Heal Reform Bill
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