Raise the standards for passing puppy mill inspections USA

  • av: no one
  • mottagare: President of America, Barack Obama
America has the worst puppy mills in the world.
Puppy mills aren't illegal but the majority of the have very poor conditions.
Around 87 600 dogs die a year from being euthanized, and thats only some of the millions and millions who die from being born in puppy mills where they are usually not given enough food or water and are housed in cages all stacked on top of each other, where they are breed dogs with health issues leading to mutilation. where dogs are forced to live in there own waste.
Although the government gives inspections the standards are very, very low and most puppy mills with very poor conditions are just let off with a warning.
I believe if we want to have safe, clean, humane puppy mills, the first step is to raise the standards and expectations of puppy mill inspections and to make the rule "If  you are going to own a puppy mill you need to to know the standards and expectations, if you don't pass the inspection, you don't pass the inspection,
No warnings, No exceptions!"
We the undersigned believe that the standards for puppy mills are to low!
America has the worst puppy mills in the world.
Puppy mills aren't illegal but the majority of the have very poor conditions.
Around 87 600 dogs die a year from being euthanized, and thats only some of the millions and millions who die from being born in puppy mills where they are usually not given enough food or water and are housed in cages all stacked on top of each other, where they breed dogs with health issues leading to mutilation. where dogs are forced to live in there own waste.
Although the government gives inspections the standards are very, very low and most puppy mills with very poor conditions are just let off with a warning.
We believe if we want to have safe, clean, humane puppy mills, the first step is to raise the standards and expectations of puppy mill inspections and to make the rule "If  you are going to own a puppy mill you need to to know the standards and expectations, if you don't pass the inspection, you don't pass the inspection,
No warnings, No exceptions!"
There is enough signatures on this petition for each puppy who dies a year from being euthanised, so please open your heart and raise the standards.

Thank you for taking your time to read this letter,
please consider our cause.
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