Racism Needs to Stop

We have all been a little racist once in a while, and it's easy to call a certain culture names. But we should not judge a certain nationality or colour with just one statement.
Racism hurts people. It creates conflict and even wars in our world. It tears our world apart. Seriously, people. You don't REALLY want our world to contain countries like Asianland, Blackworld, Lebo Republic, etc, where a certain nationality or people live in one place. It would be boring. 
We should allow different cultures coming together as one with ease in our countries. Sure, you might get fed up because this culture is bad at doing this and this culture is 'too good' at doing that, but people that belong to a culture are all different. For examples, blondes are stupid. Come on, guys! I know a few blondies that are smart and sensible.

If you sign this petition, this shows everyone that you'll try your very best to be happy with different cultures coming together as one. Can't wait to see the results. Thanks. :)

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