"NASTY BAD PAGANS?" Protesting hate speech on NBC

On Wednesday, June 25, 2008, during a live broadcast of a wedding reception on the TODAY Show, Kathy Lee Gifford gratuitously referred to Pagans as "nasty, bad Pagans." Ms. Gifford's hate speech has done harm to American Pagans' ability to live in peace with our neighbors of other faiths. By allowing her hate speech to be broadcast, her direct employer the TODAY Show, and their network, NBC, participate in that hate speech.

This is a petition calling for, at the very least, an on-air apology. A TODAY Show program devoted to dispelling misconceptions about Pagans and Paganism would go a long ways toward undoing the damage.

Signers of this petition are also putting the sponsor of that TODAY Show segment, Samsung, on notice that we are conducting a BOYCOTT against them until such time as we receive justice.
On Wednesday, June 25, 2008, during a live broadcast of a wedding reception on the TODAY Show, Kathy Lee Gifford gratuitously referred to Pagans as "nasty, bad Pagans." This is, by every definition, hate speech.

Many Americans think Ms. Gifford is charming. These same viewers are likeliest to believe what they hear on television and/or from the mouths of celebrities. Ms. Gifford's hate speech has done harm to American Pagans' ability to live in peace with our neighbors of other faiths. By allowing her hate speech to be broadcast, her direct employer the TODAY Show, and their network, NBC, participate in that hate speech.

We the undersigned call upon Kathy Lee Gifford, the TODAY Show and NBC to rectify the damage they have done to the Pagan faith community. At the very least, an on-air apology is required. A TODAY Show program devoted to dispelling misconceptions about Pagans and Paganism would go a long ways toward undoing the damage.

Furthermore, we the undersigned are conducting a BOYCOTT against the sponsor of that TODAY Show segment, Samsung, until such time as we receive justice.
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