Punish the reponsibles for the Budeasa Massacre

  • av: andretty
  • mottagare: The Mayor of Budeasa, the Sanitary Veterinary Authority Arges(DSV)
In the small village named Budeasa near Pitesti Romania three persons have slaughtered dozens of dogs in a cage on a hill. They put inside  pieces of meat and when the door  was closed they came and killed sadisticly the dogs.
After the killing the dogs were disposed off in the nearby valley.
A woman in the village searching for her missing dog discovered the trap and the terrifying image of the dead dogs scattered the valley.
The video taken at the site
the blood filled trap:
he was stabbed to death:
Mr Mayor!
now it is the time to show the whole world that even though such attrocities have happend you do not tolerate them thus discouraging any other crimes such as that.
Justice MUST  be served!
 for those without a voice please help us bring the sadistic killers to light.

We the undersigned are aware of the attrocities happening in the Budeasa village. Killing, torturing animals is contrary to the laws in force, contrary to the idea of humanity.
The events late last year and early this year led us to write this letter of protest to urge you to enforce the Romanian and European legislation in the Budeasa villeage.
We consider that now it is the time to show the whole world that even though such atrocities have happend you do not tolerate them thus discouraging any other crimes

In hope that justice will be made for those without a voice,
Noi, subsemnatii am aflat de atrocitatiile ce se întâmpl%u0103 în satul Budeasa. Omorarea, chinuirea animalelor este contrar%u0103 legilor în vigoare, contrar ideii de umanitate.
Evenimentele de la sfarsitul anului trecut si inceputul acestui an ne-a indeamnat sa scriem acceast%u0103 scrisoare de protest pentru a v%u0103 îndemna s%u0103 puneti în aplicare legisla%u0163ia româneasc%u0103 %u015Fi european%u0103 în vigoare.
Noi consider%u0103m c%u0103 acum este momentul pentru a ar%u0103ta lumii întregi c%u0103, de%u015Fi astfel de crime s-au intamplat ele nu sunt  tolerate astfel descurajandu-se orice alte infrac%u0163iuni.

În speran%u0163a c%u0103 se va face dreptate pentru cei f%u0103r%u0103 o voce,
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