Protect Photographers Exposing Abuses on Factory Farms
The cliche "a picture is worth a thousand words" wouldn't exist if images weren't powerful. Social movements throughout the 20th century have used photos to catalyze support for their campaigns.
Florida's Senator Norman has introduced a sweeping bill to make shooting photos or video of farms a felony under state law. His target is activists exposing the inhumane and unsanitary conditions on factory farms, protecting factory farms from public ire by keeping their abusive practices under cover.
Your bill, SB 1246, which makes it a felony to shoot photos or video of "a farm or other property where legitimate agriculture operations are being conducted without the written consent of the owner" is outrageous and unconstitutional.
With trespass and other laws already in place to protect farmers, this bill is a thinly veiled attack on activists exposing the inhumane and unsanitary conditions on factory farms. The bill is also a threat to free speech because reporters and other law-abiding citizens could face prosecution for photographing farm activities from public property.
Rather than protecting factory farms from public ire by keeping their abuses under cover, I urge you to drop this outrageous bill and promote transparency in farm and livestock practices.
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