Protect Leucadia Against Harmful Construction Projects
This petition concerns the demolition of greenhouses, transportation of soil, and grading activities at 1492 Hymettus Avenue, performed by developer City Ventures. We, the residents of Hymettus, Eolus, Glaucus, Parkwood, and other neighboring streets, ask the Encinitas City Council to investigate and review this project and work site in order to:
1) Investigate sudden rise of health issues and acute symptoms in the neighborhood potentially linked to volatile greenhouse chemicals and/or airborne dust. If a resident requests it, require that developer test properties surrounding the site that may have been exposed to chemicals from the greenhouse property. Hold the developer responsible for all clean up and remediation of those properties.
2) Determine if developer is following original plans and to determine why/if contaminated soil has been leaving the property if that was not in the original plans.
3) Determine if the soil covering our roads and residences is contaminated soil being tracked out of the construction site or otherwise migrating from the site/trucks. investigate more thoroughly how much and what contaminants have migrated off the property and onto the homes nearby. Hold developer responsible for professional third-party cleaning of any contaminated soil on roads or properties.
4) Ask developer to address the dirt and debris covering our roads, properties, and cars. Developer is to provide more effective street cleaning, clean our driveways, power-wash our houses, and take care of our car washes. Ask developer to ensure that any future soil or supplies coming in/out are both fully covered and contained so that no dust, soil, or debris spill onto the road.
5) Address long-term damage to roads. Cracks have developed on Hymettus, and there is evidence of wear and tear on both Eolus and Orpheus, which were both newly re-surfaced. Will developer clean and reseal roads, returning them to original condition?
6) Address public safety issues related to trucks speeding down residential roads. Numerous citizen calls have been made to the Encinitas Sheriff, but trucks continue to speed down Hymettus, Orpheus, and Glaucus well above the speed limit.
7) Ask developer to assign a third-party representative to make sure that developer is adhering to environmental and occupational safety procedures on the work site, especially in the handling of known toxic chemicals.
8) Ensure that developer strictly follows the traffic routes established for this project.
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