Billions For Efficiency or Transmission? --- Midwest Ratepayers Deserve Options To Compare

The "Badger-Coulee" High Voltage Transmission proposal before the people of Wisconsin is the first proposed, cost-shared 345 kV high voltage transmission line of a potentially 6,000 mile, $25-120 billion transmission expansion plan sought by allied utilities across the upper Midwest.
As electricity use is projected at an historically low growth rate of under 1% for the next 25 years and the expansion plan makes no guarantees for carbon emission reductions or cost reducttions, this petition asks the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to conduct one or more impartial studies so that ratepayers can compare the benefits of making a comparable investment in aggressive energy efficiency, demand side management and distributed energy incentives like rooftop solar
Benefits from comparably funded energy efficiency programs in Vermont, Massachusetts and other states include 20-50% cuts in energy bills, dropping use and electric rates with 2-5 times the numbers of jobs created compared to all other energy options.  EE  programs are responsible for 66% iof the avoided carbon emissions in New England states. Development of home/farm/business solar installation is significantly out-pacing the midwest.
SOUL is joining with similar causes in MI, OH, WV IL, IA, OK, KS, and MO as the costs of the expansion projects  would be assumed by all of us.
Local government Resolution and paper versions of this request are available via email at
Thank you for considering to support for this important citizen and ratepayer initiative.  To  easily and effectively spread the news, use the "Email My Friends"  button option on this page.
SOUL of Wisconsin

We the undersigned, ask the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to insure that Wisconsin ratepayers will be able to evaluate impartial studies of alternative, non-high voltage transmission, solutions for this proposal no later than the end of the review process for the La Crosse-Madison HVT proposal.  One alternative solution for cost-benefit comparison must combine accelerated energy efficiency, expanded implementation of demand side management and increased dispersed generation incentives with improvements to low voltage transmission lines, as needed, for in-state reliability. Total funding for the alternatives should be equal to the amount Wisconsin ratepayers would assume for MTEP11 development including the Multi Value Projects in Appendixes A, B and C or an estimated $40 billion of the $80 billion in total construction costs. All studies should include benefits that are important to citizens and ratepayers including in-state job creation, affects on residential and business operation costs, regional carbon emission reductions, impacts on in-state Renewable Energy goals and generation and local distribution restrictions that could discourage energy self-sufficiency.

Thank you receiving and acting upon my request.

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