• av: Colin Gallagher
  • mottagare: Sam Farr, U.S. Congressman, 17th District - California
This petition will help to introduce legislation to assure that the U.S. Peace Corps, as it passes through organizational and legislative changes, will not be misused or directed by other government organizations.
PETITION FOR THE PRESERVATION OF AN INDEPENDENT PEACE CORPS: RESOLVED, that we, the petitioners, demand of our government that the following be made law: That the Peace Corps shall remain an independent agency, -- That its applicants will remain to be screened, as they are now, to exclude former or present employees of U.S. and foreign intelligence agencies through a National Agency Check and other means; and that this screening be more rigorously enforced via an immediate increase in funds and staffing, along with simultaneously allowing broader and more flexible policy options to effectively acheive the goal of enforcing the aforementioned screening without exception, -- That the USA Freedom Corps, the USA Freedom Corps Council, or any similar initiative, agency, or grouping of individuals, shall not vote or otherwise decide on the mission or policy of the U.S. Peace Corps, and that the U.S. Peace Corps shall retain the right to withhold information from the USA Freedom Corps Council, pursuant to Section 3(f)(iii) of the Presidential Executive Order establishing the USA Freedom Corps, or pursuant to any request to provide the aforementioned Council with relevant information. -- This petition is made in the spirit of and in accordance with the people%u2019s first and tenth Amendment rights. Presented this ___ day of _____, _____. (Signatures)
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