We are not fighting an easily identified enemy, but a network that lives in the shadows and employs violence as a weapon to further goals of a world constantly in conflict.

Given years of controlled isolation, the U.S. Government continues to choke and suffocate the life out of this author with their barrage of false hope and hopelessness intended to induce forced-drugging. 

Kini Cosma has been wrongly scapegoated and criminalized because she is a lesbian.  These actions are being permitted to forcibly change her very ability to formulate particular thoughts and are contributing to the hateful expressions to tally its score in the forms of making ALL LEGAL ACTIVITIES ILLEGAL.

Lawless tyrants have plunged this woman into an abyss of misery.  Her rightfully inherited trust funds of $100k were illegally seized by Alco Metals

Constrained by all circumstances, Kini lost all opportunities for the prospect of being unable to live in a fully liberated manner. This has forced this author to slip into the isolated world of the heathen, the slothes and twits, the drunks and drug addicts, those with the banality of low mental acumen, police bullies and their punks, hooligans, and the perjuring lies of their informants while being forced to depend on and service the filth of American men.

Survival for one who has been destroyed of personality and diminished of physical strength is hard.  Those who end up this way are not good at creating a social life and are hopeless at communicating with people who have not been defiled. 

While these techniques are being used as a direct effort to alter the content and form of this author's thoughts, she may no longer seek refuge at the Seniors Citizens Center in Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Weathering the freezing elements during the winter months of 2008 in Oregon, Circuit Court Judge Richard Rambo of Klamath County has managed to succeed to inflict additional torture;  Actions and nonactions are being used to seduce this author so that she would have to depend on and service American men. 

Despite her fierce resistance and rigorous battles and appeals for violations of the internationally recognized prohibition of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, which governments are called upon to interpret so as to extend the widest possible protection against abuses, whether physical or mental, this author is now prohibited from engaging in constitutionally protected activities at the Senior Citizens Center in Klamath Falls, Oregon. 

These prejudices have resulted in further bias and discriminations while mandating further torture. Kini may no longer use the public telephone, participate in energy assistance, use the public restroom, watch TV and associate with such persons. 

Being made odd in society by the destruction of our personalities so that we are immobilized become sitting ducks that can be experimented upon, while others are being passed through the very same torture routines cult members go through, with the very same results in mind.

Nausea, changes in blood pressure, heart and respiratory rates, nystagmus (darting of the eyes), slurred speech, hand tremors, increased pain sensitivity and hyperactive reflexes, body temperature regulation, mind-mood changes including irritability, sadness, lack of motivation, poor concentration and a reduction in short-term memory are draining the life from this 52 year old woman in order to justify the malicious prosecutions by the U.S. Government. 

A government that is permitted to manipulate a citizen's consciousness at its very roots by years of constant isolation in a world of the sloth, the twit, the drunk and drug addict, and those with the banality of low mental acumen can force a victim of U.S. torture to take mind-altering drugs. Then, the U.S. Government need not censor speech, because it could prevent the ideas from ever occurring in the mind of the speaker.

The fundamental right to control one's own intellect and mental processes is eviscerated if courts permit the government to forcibly drug citizens when a torture victim has been cornered and trapped with no where to go.

Because this authors' demeanor can be considered by the "jury," the government's manipulation of this author's demeanor raises the same concerns as if the government had manipulated material evidence.

If state officials, with the concurrence of the courts, can constitutionally order the forcible alteration of this authors' mind in order that she must stand trial while being maliciously prosecuted, then every other accused defendant, who poses no danger to himself or others, is also at jeopardy of losing his or her right to freedom of thought.

Judge Richard Rambo of the Klamath County Circuit Court has decided to violate this author's right to a speedy trial.  She remains unlawfully detained until her "trial" on January 27, 2010 for a superficial dog bite that Judges Richard Rambo and Roxanne Osborn are responsible for. 

The right to self-determination over one's own intellect and mental processes is more than significant.  It is situated at the very core of what it means to be a free person in a civilized society and is a fundamental right of the highest order.

Essential to the most elementary concepts of human freedom, dignity, and self-determination, a person has a fundamental right to cognitive liberty, a right to freedom of thought, to independent thinking, to autonomy over his or her own mind and brain chemistry, and the right to experience the full spectrum of possible thought and consciousness.

By altering a person's mind with the forced administration of drugs, the government commits an act of cognitive censorship and mental manipulation, an action even more offensive to democratic principles than the censorship of speech.  Chemical manipulation of the mind is the ultimate prior restraint on speech. 

Before the U.S. Government declares in retaliation that one is incapable of making and communicating decisions, we must demand respect and protect the full potential and autonomy of the human intellect by terminating and closing corrupt police agencies because you too can evolve with symptoms for being a ranting raving manic.

Help destroy slave trauma-based mind control before it justifies the means of the U.S. Government and destroys the human race. It's time for this horrendous secret to end.

Help protest judicial terrorism, assassination of womens' character, unlawful tyrants and the abuse of their criminalized lesbians, please sign my petition.

Visit my homepage at or review:

(PDF file: 43 pages of gross human right violations since 1995 and ongoing)  Thanx for your immediate attention.

Kini Cosma
5146 1/2 Bristol Avenue
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603

Recent Charges: Reckless Endangering
Public Defender:  Thomas F. Della-Rose  (541-883-7754)
Trial Date: January 27, 2010
Time:  8:45 am
Address:  Klamath County Circuit Court
                316 Main Street
                Klamath Falls, Oregon                                     

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